Archive | December 2015

Elvis’ Banana Minions

12-10-15Meet our Elf on the Shelf, Elvis! He’s been back since December 1st creating havoc on a daily basis much to the joy of our youngest son, Spencer! Had to share today’s Elf staging because we just thought it was so darn cute! 

This is simple! Just print, cut and tape. We used double-sided tape. We cut out one extra “one-eyed” goggle for Elvis to wear. Yep, these are little pieces so cutting them out is a little challenging and so is applying the tape. I found it easier to rip off a larger piece of tape and with scissors cut off tiny slits. Just a little effort with patience and you too can have these awesome Banana Minions (thanks Gwen because I won’t ever spell bananas wrong, lol)! 

Just click on the link and print! It’s that easy and each sheet can make 10 banana minions! Enjoy and Happy Holidays from our happy home to yours!

Click to Print: Banana Minions